Manfaatkan untuk Dunia dan Akhirat kita
Sebelum tidur, Rasulullah SAW berpesan kepada Aisyah RA :
"Ya Aisyah jangan engkau tidur sebelum melakukan empat perkara, iaitu :
1. Sebelum khatam Al Qur'an
2. Sebelum membuat para Nabi memberimu syafaat di hari akhir
3. Sebelum para muslim meredhai kamu
4. Sebelum kau laksanakan haji dan umrah"
Bertanya Aisyah :
"Ya Rasulullah.. Bagaimana aku dapat melaksanakan empat perkara seketika?"
Rasul tersenyum dan bersabda :
1. "Jika engkau tidur bacalah : Al Ikhlas tiga kali seakan-akan kau mengkhatamkan Al Qur'an.
" Bismillaahir rohmaanir rohiim,
Qulhuallahu ahad' Allahushshomad' lam yalid' walam yuulad' walam yakul lahuu kufuwan ahad' (3x)
2. "Membaca selawat untuk ku dan para nabi sebelum ku, maka kami semua akan memberi syafa'at di hari kiamat.
“Bismillaahir rohmaanir rohiim, Allahumma shollii 'alaa Muhammad wa'alaa alii Muhammad“(3x)
3. "Beristighfarlah untuk para muslimin maka mereka akan meredhai kamu.
“Astaghfirullahal adziim aladzii laa ilaaha illaa huwal hayyul qoyyuum wa atuubu ilaih“ (3x)
4. "Perbanyaklah bertasbih, bertahmid, bertahlil, bertakbir maka seakan - akan kamu telah melaksanakan ibadah haji dan umrah.
“Bismillaahir rohmaanir rohiim, Subhanallahi Walhamdulillaahi walaailaaha Illallahu Allahu akbar“ (3x)
*Untuk dijadikan amalan kita bersama dunia dan akhirat..
by........... jIwA mUsiC aRt 0 comments
Jil Sander
Prada and Tag Huer is a very well known brand and they had already expend their brand through the coloboration with LG to create a phone with their touch. Same goes to Jil Sander is a top fashion designer in this world. This phone runs on 1Ghz with OS Mango 7.5 which means it uses Window 7 OS.
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Free for all.
Guess what, McD is giving a free voucher for all Malaysian citizen for a promotion of their new menu, quarter pounder with cheese just only RM6.99. What are you waiting for. Just click on the picture given, and it will directing you to the page of McDonald Malaysia. Enjoy your meal.
by........... jIwA mUsiC aRt 0 comments
iPhone 4S Siri first test review..
iPhone became the leading company in this era. Its all thanks to Steve Job because of his significant ideas that raise up the Apple name even though the Apple product is very well known among all of us.
The latest product from Apple is iPhone 4S with SIRI. SIRI is the internal applications that can interact with human. It can reanswer your question and search from you guys and gurls. It is very ease to use. This is the first review of the SIRI.....
by........... jIwA mUsiC aRt 2 comments
What a fun way to save a money! Try this for a fantastic thrill...
by........... jIwA mUsiC aRt 0 comments
Good bye Steve Jobs: Sad news...
Assalamualaikum to Islamic readers and hye to non-muslim.
Who will aspects when we will die. That is what happened to Steve Jobs, the Apple CFO. He is the one that is responsible to keep updating the iProduct in Apple team company. After releasing the iPhone 4GS, no one expecting the death of Steve Jobs, the great man in the Silicon Valley. He died today with respect on age 56 (1955-2011).
The great founder of Apple has not yet releasing the iPhone5. Nobody knows the real look of this great machine. We have to wait the launching of this product.
His death were really shocking to the IT world. What is Apple without Steve Jobs? May the Apple will stay competitive with the other products? What will happen to the IT world after the great lost of Steve Jobs? Who knew what will happen after his death. Only time will let us know. Until then, we will wait and see.
Reaction of the Public Figures:
“I want to express my deepest condolences at the passing of Steve Jobs, one of the founders of our industry and a true visionary. My heart goes out to his family, everyone at Apple and everyone who has been touched by his work.” - Steve Ballmer
“From the earliest days of Google, whenever Larry and I sought inspiration for vision and leadership, we needed to look no farther than Cupertino. Steve, your passion for excellence is felt by anyone who has ever touched an Apple product (including the macbook I am writing this on right now). And I have witnessed it in person the few times we have met. On behalf of all of us at Google and more broadly in technology, you will be missed very much. My condolences to family, friends, and colleagues at Apple.” - Sergey Brin
“I am very, very sad to hear the news about Steve. He was a great man with incredible achievements and amazing brilliance. He always seemed to be able to say in very few words what you actually should have been thinking before you thought it. His focus on the user experience above all else has always been an inspiration to me. He was very kind to reach out to me as I became CEO of Google and spend time offering his advice and knowledge even though he was not at all well. My thoughts are with his family and the whole Apple family.” - Larry Page
by........... jIwA mUsiC aRt 0 comments
I want!
Please, ada tak sesiapa yang baik hati nya, mulus dan tulus..
Saya nak ini jew.. Tak minta lebih pun.. :)
Saya nak ini jew.. Tak minta lebih pun.. :)
Small, but pack!This is the Sony Ericsson Live with Walkman. This is the Walkman edition from Xperia Mini but the display is 3.2' and the enhance functionality is the Sony xLOUD enhancement. This phone running on Android 2.3 Gingerbread edition. Comes with 1Ghz processor and 512Mb of ram. The design is simple, smart and attractive. Officially lunch is on October 2011. But when it will reach the Malaysian market, no body knows.
by........... jIwA mUsiC aRt 3 comments
Featured Films in Malaysia Must Watch!
Berani Punya Budak adalah sebuah lagi filem arahan dari Afdlin Shauki. Filem ini menggabungkan dua syarikat produksi dari dua buah negara iaitu VW & Ismail Holdings. Cerita ber "genre" aksi komedi ini dibintangi oleh ramai artis lain seperti Johan Raja Lawak, Nabil Raja Lawak, Adlin Aman Ramli dan tak lupa juga kepada Awie.
Aku bukan tomboy adalah filem yang akan menemui penonton tak lama lagi. Filem ini diarahkan oleh Shamsul Yusof. Filem ini mengisahkan Scha Al-Yahya sebagai seorang tomboy yang telah dibesarkan oleh bapanya kerana ibunya telah meninggal semenjak kecil. Dari tomboy, Scha ingin berubah menjadi wanita seperti wanita-wanita lain yang memakai pakaian wanita setelah dia jatuh hati kepada dua pemuda. Dibintangi oleh Shamsul Yusof, Scha Al-Yahya, Shaheizy Sam dan ramai lagi pelakon lain. Genre filem ini adalah drama komedi yang pasti menarik untuk ditonton.
Sebuah lagi filem lakonan Shaheizy Sam iaitu Songlap bersama Syafie Naswip. Gabungan mereka berdua ini sebagai adik beradik dalam satu sindiket penjualan bayi. Arahan Effendee dan Fariza Azlina ini akan ditayangkan pada 15 Disember 2011. Saksikan trailer.
by........... jIwA mUsiC aRt 0 comments
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